How to Lose Calories in the Office

The secret behind loosing weight while working in the office is walking! It is the most common way to burn calories. Amount of calories lost based mainly on your weight, how fast you are walking and how long you walk for. In order to lose more calories you have to implement walking in all office activities. Losing weight while walking is easy! Follow this advice and you will lose around 245 cal each hour!
Here is how to manage to walk more...
If your job requires sitting for most of the time - it's not so easy to find reasons for walking. Here is the list of suggested ways to walk more:
1. Walk to your work or take a bike instead of a car
2. If you usually take more than one bus to work, try to reduce time in a bus and walk at least part of the route
3. Walk during office breaks.
Here is the list of convenient places to walk while you are on the office break:
- Walk in the closest park
- Walk around neighborhood
- Lose weight while taking the longer path back to the office
4. Use steps instead of the elevator
5. If there is any opportunity to bring documents to boss and anybody else - don't hesitate to take it
Don't get too lazy! Go for a fine walk in the nearest park or just in your neighborhood.
How many weight lost
If you are taking really slow walk at three miles per hour and your weight is 120 lb, on average you will burn 90 cal.
Formula behind calories reduced walking
Here is how to determine how many calories burned with 3 - 4 mph:
Total amount of calorie burn for a mile equals 0.53 x (multiply) your weight = calories burned walking
Famous scientists have proved that this is the most optimal way to determine the actual amount of calorie burned of any exercise. This formula applies to speeds of 3 to 4 mph. At five mph and faster, you burn even more than running or jogging!
How to burn more calories
There are ways to lose even more calories. Walking downhill for an hour with 2.5 Mph will burn 196 cal. Walk with a speed of 3.5 Mph uphill for 1 hour will help you burn twice as much! Walk uphill for one hour and you'll likely lose 420 cal.
See the full chart of calories burned walking and other tips how to burn calories. Keep track of calories intake and calories burned easily!
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