5 Potent Weight Loss Supplements

Any weight loss program can be enhanced by the right nutritional supplements. Some help you burn fat while others speed metabolism. Here are five weight loss supplements that can enhance your body's fat burning and weight loss abilities.
Green tea has been used by many to help their body's cleanse excess weight. This is because studies have shown for years that regular consumption of green tea helps dieters lose more abdominal fat. Now studies show that not only that, but dieters lose more weight and more fat over their entire bodies. Modern scientific studies have narrowed it down to a component called catechins. This active compound is responsible for stimulating metabolism as well as strengthening immunity. In addition, green tea helps curb appetite. If you are not a tea drinker, no need to worry because the supplements work just as well.
Fiber is a nutritional supplement and used by many who feel they do not eat enough produce or whole grains. Fiber helps absorb unhealthy fats from the digestive tract. Instead, these fats will be absorbed into the fiber and more easily removed from your body. Fiber acts as a broom and helps to clear waste from your digestive tract. This is beneficial since many health advocates say that this waste can add ten, twenty and more unhealthy pounds. If you take a fiber supplement, do not over do it by taking too much and be sure to drink water throughout the day.
Take Vitamin B6 to increase your metabolism and raise energy levels. During any weight loss program, this vitamin will help you feel better, since it is used to help your body make serotonin, a neurotransmitter that helps control appetite, helps your body manufacture the proper hormones, and even aids in sleep pattern and controlling moods. This vitamin can be toxic in doses of 2 grams per day, but most supplements will come considerably under this amount.
Magnesium is a mineral that can give your metabolism a boost. It is considered a key metabolite by some nutritional experts and can help you burn calories at a healthy rate through the day. In fact, one recent study showed that a lack of magnesium was linked to a lack of the hormone, adiponectin, which regulates inflammation in fat and important to maintaining healthy weight.
Capsaicin or cayenne pepper stimulate thermogenesis, or the body's ability to burn fat. Although on a more subtle level, this speed in metabolism can be an excellent enhancement to any weight loss program. Some research, still in the early stages, are indicating that capsaicin may have an ability to inhibit the development of excess fat cells. Many dieters who take this claim that it does help as an appetite suppressant. Capsaicin, or cayenne, can be bought in a supplement form. However, this does not render it to be any less hot so be careful. Even what some consider to be small doses causes cramping for some.
The right diet and exercise are imperative to any weight loss program. And supplements can be a great help, no matter if they help you feel full, speed metabolism or curb appetite. The key is to try what sounds right for your lifestyle and if you take any medications, better check with your doctor to make sure no bad interactions occur. As always, take care of your body and it will take care of you for many years to come.
Cindy Papp is a Certified Nutritional Counselor; want something different for weight loss? Check out the weight loss cleanse to see if it may be right for you.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Cindy_Papp

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