Exposing Your Abdominals

I recently found out a simple truth that I can't help but share.
This simple truth is: there really is only one way to get rid of body fat, and that is by exposing your abdominal muscles underneath.
It is so simple, I never would have considered this to be a "secret." Yes, that's it! And along with that truth, there are several tips that I can provide you to unveil your abdominals much easier.
Most fitness trainers would tell you to go jogging two to three times a week to get rid of that stomach fat, but once you read this article, you'll understand why my key tips will actually work for you.
Changing Your Workout Is Deadly To Fat
Perform weighted exercises: The absolute best way to expose your abdominals, is to perform daily abdominal-muscle-development exercises. These aren't regular sit-ups, but are rather weight-bearing exercises.
Weight bearing exercises are: Those that include use of an extra weight or resistance against your body. This can be as simple as performing weighted sit-ups to give your abdominal muscles extra work to develop more muscle.
Weighted exercises will: Burn more fat because your body is developing more muscle. This is because muscle is said to destroy fat much faster than anything else.
Muscle destroys fat: Basically, the more muscle you develop (mainly in your midsection), then the more fat you end up losing. You also will begin to see more results in a less amount of time.
Why You Aren't Getting Results
Now, exercises that don't bear much weight have less effect on the amount of fat you burn during your exercises. This is why I recommend you perform more weighted exercises as opposed to non-weighted exercises.
Non-weight bearing exercises include: Bicycling, treadmills, and even swimming.
Why do you want to spend less time with non-weighted exercises:
  • They are said to take four times as long as weight-bearing exercises to burn that stomach fat.
  • That is a huge difference in time you spend and results you receive.
  • You don't develop as much muscle as you do with weighted exercises
Key Tips To Develop Abdominals
Remember, the faster you build more abdominal muscle, the faster you will burn stomach fat, so you can unveil those six pack abs.
You want to increase: The amount of weight-bearing exercises you perform each day to develop abdominal muscle much faster.
Focus more on: Weighted abdominal exercises, but don't completely kick your other workouts out of the picture.
Follow these tips that I provide you and you will be on your way to a flat, toned stomach in no time.
Looking to decrease your time getting rid of belly fat and developing six pack abdominals? Check out how you can kill two birds with one stone right now by Visiting Here because these secrets are only for a limited time.
You can even get this FREE REPORT to show you which abdominal exercises are the best for losing weight and chiseling that stomach. Click Here for more details if you want that beach body now.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joseph_Chamblee

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