Natural Weight Loss and Exercise - 3 Easy Steps to Natural Weight Loss

We all know about the "miracle" weight loss products that all over the internet these days. There are literally millions of different options for losing weight. There is an issue with these products. Most of them simply do not work at all. So not only are you losing money, sometimes a LOT of money, you are also not losing weight or getting in shape. And even worse, sometimes you are putting your health in danger from nasty side effects!
So what is the best way then? Naturally, of course! I'm going lay out three tips to get the ball rolling on losing those rolls the natural way.
1. Aerobic exercise 2 to 3 times a week.
Aerobic exercises are the ones that cause you to breathe hard. Examples include: running, swimming, and biking. Whichever form of exercise you enjoy more is the one I would recommend doing. If you hate running but love biking, then choose biking because it will be easier to push yourself passed your limits if you are doing something you like. The best time do aerobic exercise is in the morning before you eat breakfast. The reasoning behind this is simple. If you don't have any food giving you energy, then your body pulls the energy from your fat stores. So, you are using your body's natural processes to make your exercise more efficient. You don't need to torture yourself with hour long runs every morning. A short, but medium-high effort, 30 minute run 2 to 3 times a week would be a great place to start.
2. Lift weights 2 to 3 times a week (barbell or dumbbell, NOT machines)
Your body is constantly adapting. One of those adaptations is called muscle partitioning. Muscle partitioning is your body's way of deciding how much you eat you goes to fat stores and how much you eat goes to muscle stores. Aerobic exercise will help shift partitioning towards muscle growth, but weightlifting really tips the scales with muscle partitioning. This should make sense. People lift weights to build strong muscles, so the body adapts and focuses on building more muscle than fat. If you are a woman, you may be a little off put about the idea of lifting weights. You might have an image in your head of yourself with huge rippling muscles like a bodybuilder's. Well let me reassure you, this WILL NOT happen to you. Women do not have the testosterone levels to build huge muscles. Instead your muscles will tone and be more firm. You are not going to get big ripped arms, but instead your arms will be toned and won't flap in the wind when you wave. Again, it is not NATURAL for women to get huge muscles. So do not worry about that. Some of you may also be wondering why I specifically said to avoid machines. The reason is that machines work specific muscles, but your body doesn't ever just use one specific muscle in life. No one ever just uses their hamstrings, or just their bicep. They use their legs as a group. That is why I suggest barbell or dumbbell exercises because they generally target entire groups of muscles. When an entire group is worked, you see better results because you are lifting in a way that is more natural. And natural is what we want.
3. Dieting
Dieting is very important. You have to make sure you are eating enough to maintain a healthy energy level, but also not so much that you aren't losing the weight you want. Your diet can dramatically improve your exercise and lifting results. Find out what your daily needs are in carbs, protein, fat, and total calories. Using this information, make a simple diet plan that will meet these needs. At first, this may be tough, but if you stick it out for a week or two, diet planning will become second nature to you. Make sure you try to eat at least 4 meals a day of about equal proportion with breakfast being slightly bigger. Two quick notes: you MUST eat breakfast, and don't eat within 3 hours of heading to bed. These two fairly simple steps are extremely important because they take advantage of your body's natural processes.
Using these three simple steps, you will be well on your way to losing the excess pounds that have been plaguing you. These aren't very hard to implement into your life, and they really will make a huge difference. Natural weight weight loss is the healthiest way to lose weight, and I'm sure you will find that out for yourself soon!
Check out my website for the truth about "miracle" weight loss and my recommended programs. Discover the secrets of natural weight loss! I look forward to seeing you at my site where you can sign up for a free newsletter and read my blog.
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