Effective Exercises for a Double Chin

Do you have a double chin problem? If so, do you want to get rid of that it? With overall patience, a good diet and the right facial exercises I can have you on the right path to losing that double chin as quickly as I can say double. Well maybe not that quick, but still fairly quick, it all depends on how big a problem you have to the process of elimination.
To be thorough I will go through the three main focuses needed, Diet and Exercise and Patience.
Diet for Getting Rid of a Double Chin
First of all let me go through the diet plan, you want a low carb, high protein diet consisting of mainly low sugar fruits and high amounts of green vegetables as well as the good oil's such as coconut oil added to the diet and lot's of good water. You want to go with out the nasty food groups such as those high in bad fats, high sugar sweets, excessive eating and of course the BEER. Beer is a big no no if you want to get rid of that double chin. Look at it this way, in each beer is enough carb and sugar to be equivalent to a meal. So it is just adding to the fat mix with each bottle that the body cannot breakdown.
Double Chin Exercises
Enough with the healthy diet plan, we all know that one when trying to lose weight in any way. Now we need to focus on the double chin exercises. The method i like i call the A - E - I - O - U method, this is where one exaggerates these sounds moving the face area with those sounds. Try doing it for 5 to 10 minutes and then feel the chin area and you will notice it is more tense and taught. This is because the muscles under the chin sometimes need more effort to lose that extra flab. This is a patience game, do this everyday for at least a couple of months to see results. Remember it took months to develop the double chin, so it is going to take months to get rid of it again.
The Chewing Gum Exercise Method for a Double Chin
The chewing gum method is a great tip, simply chew on gum for a few hours everyday and watch the face area work out. I recommend to do this as well at the A - E - I - O - U method i mentioned above. That way with the combo you will really work that area.
All round Exercise Helps Speed up Weight Loss
All round daily exercise needs to be practiced as well, one cannot just focus on the chin area and expect the body to just focus its energy there. One needs to work the whole body to help speed up the elimination of fat in the body. This is best achieved by high cardiovascular workouts like jogging or swimming. About an hour a day of this will help get the body to respond.
Losing weight as well as trying to lose your double chin is not impossible. It all is about focus, dedication, motivation, the right methods, the right diet and the know how. You will get there, keep at it and in time that double chin will go.
Thanks for reading this article on how to reduce or get rid of a double chin. For more related Weight Loss Tips please visit the Weight Loss Revelations blog.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Timon_Weller

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