10 Tips for Cutting Kilojoules

Eliminating those kilojoules (as well as burning more through physical activity) doesn't have to be painful. Starvation and deprivation diets simply don't work. Instead, the little things are what matter. Here are some tips to start you off:

1. Eat Breakfast
Eating breakfast was a key behaviour among people who averaged a 30 kilogram weight loss and kept it off for an average of six years.Skipping breakfast made them feel so hungry that they overate during other meals and snaked on unhealthy foods.

2. Eat more fresh fruit and vegetables
Including more fresh, seasoning fruit and plenty of vegetables will add variety, texture, fibre and vitamins to your diet. Try eating a salad every day, whether it's the main meal or a side salad, with five different vegetables in it. If you prefer cooked vegetables in your salad, lightly steam them for no longer than 2 to 3 minutes, to keep them crisp on the inside and to preserve their vitamin content. And instead of snacking on high-kilojoules, unhealthy foods between meals and eat fruit.

3. Drink more water
To cut kilojoules, you'll need to stop consuming soft drink and also cut down on your tea, coffee, cordial and alcohol intake. Instead, try to drink 1.2 to 2 litres (6 - 8 glasses) of water a day. Fresh vegetable and fruit juices in moderation are also a good way to help bolster your fluid intake.

4. Measure your cereal
The average serving of breakfast cereal is half a cup. Yet most adults tend to pour out at least twice that amount, adding unnecessary kilojoules to daily energy intake.

5. Buy smaller portions
The larger the portion in front of you, the more likely it is that you'll eat it. When you are eating at home, try using a smaller plate and ask for smaller portions when you eat out.

6. Start with soup
Studies show that people who start a meal with soup end up consuming fewer kilojoules by the end of the day without feeling hungrier.

7. Use a smaller plate
Start using a salad plate instead of a dinner plate to encourage smaller portions.

8. Clean your teeth after dinner
Brush your teeth immediately after dinner to stave off late-night snack attacks. (When your mouth feels clean and minty, you're less likely to think about eating)

9. Don't get distracted
Make sure that you are conscious that you've eaten. Make it an occasion by sitting down at a table, preferably with company. Don't eat in front of the television because it tends to be a distraction that reduces meals to a mere habit and the advertisements for pizza, ice-cream, chocolate and other foods may negatively influence your choices.

10. Be yourself
If you live with another person, be it your partner, a flatmate or a friend, it can be hard to stick to your eating plan if everyone else is eating all the things that you're trying to avoid. Women with the children are perhaps the most at risk group in this respect because they are often the ones who prepare meals for the whole family and that can mean accommodating a wide variety of likes and wants. Try to include the whole family in healthy eating to ensure that everyone benefits, as well as improving your chances of sticking to a heart-healthy diet. It's a golden opportunity to educate children on the importance of healthy eating habits for life.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Amy_Jane