What Foods Should You Include In Your Weight Loss Plan

The first step in losing weight is to change your diet. However, without knowing what foods you should eat, the right changes can be hard to make. Here are some foods you can eat that will help you in meeting your weight loss goals.

Make sure to include lots of leafy green vegetables in your diet. These types of vegetables include lots of fiber and vitamins. They are also high-bulk but low-calorie, meaning that you'll feel full faster, while eating less food. Eating a leafy salad before a high-calorie meal can help you curb the amount you eat. For example, when you eat out at a restaurant, order a house salad with the dressing on the side before your entre comes out. You can still enjoy your food, but your natural hunger signals will help keep you from overeating.

Switch to fat-free or low-fat cheese and milk products. While consuming dairy products has been shown to aid in weight loss, these are still relatively high-fat foods. Don't cut cheese and milk out of your diet, but change them out for a lower-fat version. This will give you the health benefits of these products without the extra calories and fat.

If you must eat dessert after your evening meal, have something that's sugar-free. It's better not to eat dessert at all, because you're adding calories to your diet that don't have any nutritional value. You'd be better off adding a larger portion of vegetables to your dinner. However, if you really need that sweet taste in the evening, have a sugar-free pudding or similar item. These desserts still do not provide any nutritional benefit, but they are much lower in calories than their full-sugar counterparts. However, be wary of the chemicals that go into these products; just because they're sugar-free doesn't mean you can eat as much as you want.

Make sure to drink plenty of water during the day. Water is calorie-free and fills up your stomach so you'll be less tempted to snack. It also aids in digestion, so you'll be sure to get all of the nutrients out of the foods you're eating; this is very important when you're cutting calories. There is an almost endless list of health benefits that go along with drinking plenty of water, separate from its weight loss benefits. Unless you're forcing it, you generally can't drink too much, so grab a water bottle and get chugging.

Snack on natural dips that include vegetable ingredients, like salsa or humus. These dips can add a little extra flavor to diet staples such as carrot sticks, celery stalks, and rice cakes. Humus is high in protein and "good" fats, while salsa is a great low-calorie option that's rich in nutrients. These aren't the only alternatives to high-sodium pre-packaged dips, however. Check out some recipes and get creative. Adding healthy and good-tasting dips to your diet can help keep you from getting frustrated and bored with your healthy food choices.

Making healthy diet choices doesn't have to be difficult or confusing. The foods listed here should be enough to get you started in making your weight loss plan. All you have to do is get started.

Follow this link to read more about choosing the right foods for your diet plan.

To receive your Free copy of the 3 Step Weight Loss Blueprint follow this link.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jere_Moline

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