Water Intake For Fast Weight Loss

Getting the right amount of water during the day is one of the best ways you can achieve fast weight loss.
Our bodies require a certain amount of water every day to carry out essential functions.
These include:
• Helping to filter out toxins that we take in through food, drink, and from the environment
• Helps transport nutrients to the organs and cells that need them
• Keeping the liver and kidneys functioning well
• Helping the digestive system to eliminate food waste
• Reducing the acidity of liquid waste (if you have ever had cystitis, you will appreciate how important this is!)
• Cushioning our joints
• Keeping skin elastic and resilient
• Flushing out fat cells from the body
Many people experience water retention, which is where the body retains water that it's given, and this leads many people to believe that they need to reduce their water intake in order to avoid this. In fact, the opposite is true! You see, your body needs that water - if you give it less water, it will believe it has to hang on to what it's got, in case the lack of water will continue. If you feed your body enough water for its needs, it will let go of any excess water and water retention will no longer be a problem.
It's fairly well-known that water intake is essential for weight loss, but many people don't understand the full reasons behind this.
1. Drinking water aids your digestion and encourages your body to flush out fat cells, increasing the rate of your weight loss.
2. Drinking enough water means your body won't be retaining any fluid, giving you a more toned appearance and a lower number on the scale.
3. Water helps to fill up your stomach and decreases your feelings of hunger. We often mistake feeling thirsty for feeling hungry, and end up snacking when really we just need a drink.
4. Water helps to regulate your metabolism - many overweight people are chronically dehydrated.
5. Drinking water instead of a sugary soda drink will reduce your calorie intake.
A lot of people say that they have difficulty getting enough water in during the day, so here are some tips to help.
• Do not bring any drinks except water with you to school, work, etc.
• Reduce your purchase of any non-water drinks (saving money too!)
• If you have a Smartphone, you can download an app to remind you to drink water every few hours, and record how much you have drunk already
• Every time you eat a meal, drink a glass of water beforehand, and serve water with all meals instead of juice, soda or alcohol
• Get a refillable plastic bottle, and calculate how many times you need to drain the bottle to get your personal recommended amount in. Put that number of rubber bands around the bottle. Every time you empty it, take off a rubber band.
Karen Barr is a mother, designer, and lifelong dieter. She owns and operates Fast Weight Loss Tips, a dieter's resource for weight loss news, reviews, tips and opinion on weight loss supplements and more.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Karen_A_Barr

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