Ten Tips for a Healthy ('No Weight Gain') Holiday

Recent studies have shown that holiday weight gain is not as many pounds as was previously thought, but that doesn't give license to eat without restraint. Rather, the damage comes from not losing what was gained.
This does not mean however that one cannot thoroughly enjoy the season's delicious offerings. Parties and their buffets are often packed with lean white turkey meat, deviled eggs, seafood and vegetables. Make the right choices and prevent the dreaded holiday weight gain.
Tips for holiday survival: 
  1. If you are drinking alcoholic beverages, drink a full glass of water or non-alcoholic beverage between drinks. You will stay hydrated and be less likely to over-consume empty calories.
  2. Know your "trigger foods". If you have difficulty eating just a few potato chips, avoid them entirely so you don't set off a feeding frenzy.
  3. Be fashionably late to the party. You will miss some of the tempting foods that are available.
  4. Do not bank calories. Although you may be tempted to skip a meal in anticipation of a holiday celebration, you may slow your metabolism down and guess what? Hunger will take over.
  5. Eat one or two egg whites or drink a cup of warm broth just prior to attending the event. A small quantity of protein will curb your appetite and make the buffet less appealing.
  6. Even if you do not work out regularly, get a work out in before the festivities. Crunches or sit-ups will tighten your stomach, and you will feel fuller faster. Even walking the dog at a brisk pace will help get your metabolism going.
  7. Before the holidays, donate every piece of clothing that is now too big or baggy. The idea of having to buy a new wardrobe if you gain weight will serve as a strong incentive to maintain your weight.
  8. Do not dine in elastic pants or sweats. Dining in clothes that fit will make you more conscious of your food intake.
  9. Take your entire meal on one plate only. No salad or bread plate. The food on your plate should not be higher than one inch. Eat slowly, enjoy the company of friends, and allow your body to digest at a healthy pace before going for seconds.
  10. Splurge on lobster (3oz = 83 calories), shrimp (12 medium = 60 calories) and smoked salmon (2oz = 66 calories).
Finally, find something to be grateful for. Whether it is friends, family, recent weight loss, a new job, or feeling great that you have begun your journey to a healthier you, I want you to know that the world is a better place because you are in it.
Cindee Moeller is a certified medical assistant and nutritional counselor at Medi-Weightloss Clinics - Hinsdale, IL and Naperville, IL.
Medi-Weightloss Clinic offers a physician-supervised, custom weight loss program. Patients eat nutritious food purchased in the grocery store. The program focuses on four main areas: medical, nutritional, physiological / human kinetics, and consultations. Patients lose up to 5-10 pounds the first week and up to 20 pounds the first month.
For more information, call 630-242-1633 or visit: http://www.medinaperville.com/.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Cindee_Moeller

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