How To Regain Your Natural Slim Body - Naturally Slim

If you asked a group of overweight people whether it was harder to be slim than fat, no doubt the majority would say that fat is easy to do and being or becoming slim is hard work. Conventional wisdom would also agree that becoming slim takes a great deal of effort. After all, there's deprivation, calorie counting, watching what you eat and denial while staying overweight is deemed easy as you can eat whatever you like in whatever quantities you choose and whenever you choose.
You may be surprised to learn however that none of that may be true. It is harder, much harder, to become overweight and to stay that way than it is to become slim and to maintain slimness. The diet industry, like the cigarette companies have a vested interest in telling us that our drug of choice is addictive as that means we will believe that there is little we can do about our addictions.
This means smokers will carry on smoking and those who are addicted to food will have to spend vast amounts of money on every diet under the sun simply to fail each and every time.
Yet, it stands to reason that it must be easier to be slim than overweight simply because slim is natural and overweight is completely unnatural. There isn't a single animal in the wild that is overweight. Not one. It has never been known for that to happen. The only animals that suffer with weight problems are those who live with humans. All wild animals are slim because they eat when they are hungry and they stop when they have had enough to eat.
We too were born to eat this way. It's as natural for us to be lean as it is for all animals. If a Robin finds itself in a grain silo it will not carry on eating until it can no longer fly. It will not eat until it is bloated and have to lie on its back with its legs in the air until it recovers, just in case it might get hungry later on. The Robin will eat until it's satisfied and then it will fly off happily. The Robin knows when it has had enough because it's in tune with its body and it pays attention to the signals it is given that signal when to stop. That's easy.
Our overweight human has to ignore those signals. (The signals are still there even if they've been ignored for years). Every mouthful of food eaten after the signal is ignored gets less and less enjoyable but our overweight person still pushes on regardless. After all they've been indoctrinated to eat it all up. It's hard work, exhausting but it has to be done. By the time our overweight person finishes eating they may feel anything ranging from discomfort to agony. They certainly won't feel at ease like they would had they stopped eating when satisfied, instead they'll feel boated, stuffed, sick, exhausted or in need of a lie down.
Our overweight person has no energy, can't run or walk very far, and finds it difficult to play with their children or grandchildren. The slightest effort often leaves them puffing, panting and sweating. Their digestive system is overloaded at every meal and all the food they eat that is surplus to requirements has to be dealt with and laid down as fat so the body is working overtime trying to deal with huge amount of surplus. That's hard.
Stop telling yourself that it's hard to become slim and get your facts right. It's so much harder to be overweight. I'm a HypnoSlimmer consultant and the HypnoSlimmer program is designed to re-establish the healthy eating patterns you were born with. Guess what everyone says when they start on the HypnoSlimmer program and begin eating in this natural way? "I can't believe how easy it is." Eating when hungry and stopping when full is easy, because it's natural. Being overweight is hard.
The HypnoSlimmer program utilises weight loss hypnosis and is designed to get you back where you belong, naturally! Those who's weight falls into the obese range can avail themselves of the gastric hypno band process.
I work with people worldwide helping them to solve their issues. Contact me at or visit my website
Article submitted by Clinical Hypnotherapist and HypnoSlimmer consultant Christine Wesson. For help and advice visit Visit my wesite and sign up for some amazing top tips to help you to return to your natural slim self.
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