Weight Loss Food Diets - Discover the Truth Behind the Claims

Weight-loss food diet advertising is full of claims like "lose 10lbs in 20 days" or "drop two jeans sizes in a two weeks", but do they work? Is this the best way to lose weight? Can you keep the weight off in the long term? Well the answers are yes and no. Read on...

It seems to be generally accepted that the safe limit for losing weight is 2 pounds per week. So, on the face of it the rapid weight-loss diets can't be good for your health unless you are very careful with the types of food that you eat, keep a count of calories and take lots of exercise. This is why you need a balanced weight-loss plan that takes account of all these things - not a diet that only cuts your calorie and fat intake.

It's important to remember that you should be focused on losing fat; not total body weight. Your weight consists of fat, muscle and water in varying proportions, so rapid weight loss can reduce fat AND muscle which can slow down your metabolism and have a bad effect on your health. This a good reason for talking to a doctor before going on this kind of diet.

Researchers have found that 95% of diets fail in the long term despite initially giving good results. In fact most people find that they get to point where the weight-loss really slows down and it gets progressively harder to reach and maintain personal goals. Disillusionment quickly sets in and you can find that it is impossibly difficult to keep to a strict diet regime that eventually gives little or no reward.

The good news is that there are weight-loss, or I should say fat loss, programs available that do really work but they require commitment to a combination of diet and exercise. By commitment I am talking about a change in lifestyle - not a quick fix like a crash diet or taking supplements.

And talking of supplements; a lot of weight-loss advertising expects you to believe that supplements can perform miracles by burning away unwanted fat and giving you a fantastic body shape without the need for proper nutrition, will power and hard work. Experience has shown that these claims are either hugely exaggerated or completely untrue.

So stop getting depressed by wasting time and money on useless diets and false claims. Find a diet and training program that gives you good nutrition and exercise, stick with it and change your life for the better.

Graham Forester is an online product reviewer. Learn more about Weight-loss food and fitness and the truth behind the claims by visiting http://weightloss-foodandfitness.weebly.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Graham_Forester

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