Top 10 Diet Tips

There's no reason that you need to slog through reams of information on dieting to discover the best tips for losing weight. The sheer amount of information out there on dieting is dizzying. If it's not a friend or relative, it's a colleague at work that has the next best thing for you to incorporate in your diet. Forget the fads and "lose weight in days" gimmicks and learn about 10 proven, time-tested diet tips that successful dieters agree will make a significant contribution to losing weight and looking your best.
1. Drink water. It's as simple as that. Water fills you up. Furthermore, when you think you're hungry, you may just be dehydrated.
2. Lay of sugar in the A.M. Sugar spikes blood sugar resulting in a crash that prompts you to eat again. Replace sugar with protein (try eggs) in the morning to fill you up till lunch time.
3. Get to bed at a reasonable hour. One study has shown that those who stay up past 2:00 a.m. are likely to eat 248 more calories a day than those who go to bed earlier.
4. Stop eating around 8:00 p.m. You're not burning off a lot of those calories you consume-through movement, exercise, etc.- close to bed time.
5. Eat more often-like six times a day. Eat fewer calories than you burn in each sitting. Starving yourself will only result in big meals that will ultimately undue your sacrifice of not eating. And dinner should be your last meal.
6. Hot sauce=weight loss. Really? Yes, really. Hot sauce raises your body temperature which burns calories. Also, the spiciness can stimulate taste buds leaving you with a feeling of satisfaction resulting in less consumption.
7. Fend off sweets cravings with a jawbreaker. OK, it doesn't have to be a jawbreaker, per se, just a small hard piece of candy that you can suck on giving you a continuous burst of sweetness with few calories.
8. TV and eating should be mutually exclusive. Studies have shown time after time that you're prone to eat more when you're snacking and watching your favorite sitcom.
9. Write down everything you eat. It may seem laborious at first to document everything you eat, but you'll be forced to confront some hard truths about your current diet.
10. Use smaller dishware at home. It sound silly, but the psychological effect produces real results. Portions look much larger on smaller plates.
Some of these tips might be easier to follow than others. Regardless, pick a few to follow and see how it goes. Use trial and error to figure out which work best for you in terms of long-term results.
Jeff Schweppe is president of Schweppe, Inc. a walk-in, online, and phone order foodservice and restaurant supply business, with the best selection of professional-grade kitchen supplies and commercial equipment in the Chicago area. Schweppe's store, located at 376 W. North Ave. 1/2 mile east of I-355, in Lombard, Illinois, is always open to the public. Website:
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