5 Weight Loss Tips When You Are Going On A Holiday

We all need top weight loss tips to guide us as we take on a dieting program to reduce our weight. It has been observed with concern that most people actually do gain a lot of weight during holidays as they mostly consider this period as 'all systems go', gulping whatever comes their way without so much as a second thought. This can have serious ramifications on your weight especially if you were in the process of reducing it. Consider the tips below next time you are in a festive mood.

6 meals a day keeps the doctor (and fats) away

Ensure that you take up to 6 meals which have protein on them daily. By strictly adhering to this, you will be surprised to note that your intake of junk food has drastically dropped. As a rule of the thumb, your protein intake should range from 5 to 6 servings each day. In addition, this will help you to regulate the level of your blood sugar hence preventing fat storage in your body.

Exercise daily

Involve yourself in daily exercises. This does not mean that you should rush to the next gym and subscribe for their services. Some of us are still reeling from the economic crisis and can therefore not afford such subscriptions. The best thing for you to do would be to simply find an exercise that you can comfortably follow each day that will get your body parts moving. This could be as simple as walking or running for twenty to about forty-five minutes daily.

Slow down on alcoholic drinks

Limit your intake of alcoholic drinks. Research has proved time and again that alcohol consumption leads to a lot of empty calories. Apart from this, such consumption will have adverse effects on your body hormonal levels which will likely lead to fat storage. As we all know fat storage means putting on weight: bad for your health!

Avoid excess carbs

Look out for excess consumption of carbs. Some of these carb sources include: pasta, candy, breads among many others. The underlying point is to cut on most of the listed sources below and on the other hand to increase your protein, especially lean meat diets as fish and chicken.

Drink lots of water

Make sure that you take 6 to 8 glasses of water daily. You should take the famous adage that 'an apple a day keeps the doctor away' to also apply in 'eight glasses of water a day keeps the doctor away'. Our bodies need a lot of water for it to function properly. Not only does this help in digestion, but you will also reduce your food intake as most of the time you will be feeling already satisfied. You will therefore avoid overeating and take just the necessary amounts of food.

The above top weight loss tips should not be taken as an exhaustive list on what to do or not to do. Rather, take it as a simple guide that you should always keep in mind when you are going for the festive season or engaging in any holiday activity for that matter. This will help you to stay healthy throughout this time.

Now if you are really serious about losing weight, then let me share with you the best diet that helped other people lose weight fast! It's proven and it really works. To discover the secret to a successful and permanent weight loss visit http://bestdiet101.net now!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=M_Edward

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